Meet Gianluigi Botton
Dr. Botton is the Canada Research Chair in Electron Microscopy at McMaster University. Botton has earned several accomplishments that have helped his team compete on the world stage and generate new collaborations between researchers. He holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Electron Microscopy of Nanoscale Materials; he is the recipient of the 2017 Faculty of Engineering Research Achievement Award at McMaster, and has been selected for the 2017 Canadian Materials Science Conference Metal Physics Award. Gianluigi Botton was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2018...
Microscopy, Materials....
Botton's group focuses on the application and development of advanced microscopy techniques to study materials at very high spatial resolution. The core area of research is based on transmission electron microscopy methods, but...

TEMs, SEMs, FIB....
Botton's group uses the most advanced techniques to help the development of new materials, and in particular the infrastructure provided by the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy. CCEM features a state of the art suite of instrumentation including transmission electron microscopes, scanning electron microscopes, focused ion beam, instruments for atom probe tomography and Auger electron spectroscopy etc...
PhDs, Post-docs, Masters....
Botton's group members work in a highly collaborative environment with excellent research facilities, superb support staff and an enviable group life. Members share their latest results in weekly group meetings...

Articles, Reviews....
Botton's group disseminates its research through a number of high-impact scientific journals and conferences. The group has published over 300 scientific articles, with a latest h-index of 51...
Grants, Awards, Media....
Botton's group is a hub for students and researchers alike, specializing in the field of electron microscopy. Browse past events, awards, grants, find open positions..